Co-Founders Corson and Foss
Collaborative Solid Waste Strategies co-founders Clark Corson and Carol Foss are both New Hampshire natives with a deep appreciation for New England’s natural resources and a long history of engagement in environmental policy. That said, they come to the solid waste issue from very different perspectives.
Clark earned B.A. degrees in Political Science and Geography while minoring in Forestry and Wildlife Management at the University of New Hampshire. Following a two-year stint in the United States Army, including one year in Vietnam, he spent 42 years as a lobbyist for the beverage industry. Clark looks forward to working with partners and decision makers to advance practical improvements in solid waste management.
Carol holds a B.A. in Biology from Colby College, a M.S. in Zoology from the University of Connecticut, and a Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Maine. She currently serves as Senior Advisor for Science and Policy at New Hampshire Audubon, where she is approaching 50 years of employment. Her career has included a combination of field research in conservation science and advocacy for sound environmental policies. Carol sees Collaborative Solid Waste Strategies as an opportunity to help shape the next stage of evolution for solid waste management in New Hampshire.
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